Identity Theft Links

IdentityTheft Tip Book
Assistance for Victims
Limit Your Liability from Credit Card Fraud To Just $50.00 Per Card
“Need to Know” Resources for Victims of Identity Theft
Quick Action Reduces Damages for Victims of Identity Theft
Identity Theft Assistance Center Helps Member Customers Restore Accounts
Ask for Blocking Assistance to Deter Credit Report Errors from ID Theft
What To Do When Banks Don't Cooperate in Resolving ID Theft Issues
Notify Chex Systems, Inc. of Potential Fraud on a Closed Checking Account
ID Theft Affidavit Simplifies Reporting Process for Victims
Identity Theft Assistance Available Through Monitoring Services
The Identity Theft Assistance
When to Call an Identity Theft Lawyer
What to Do If Debt Collectors Call
Author Intro
Author Introduction
Identity Theft Legislation
Avoid Escalating Loss Liability on Electronic Funds Fraud by Understanding Time Limits
What To Do if Debt Collectors Demand Payment of Fraudulent Charges
Deceased Individuals Are Target for Identity Theft and Fraud
FACTA Law Guarantees Free Annual Credit Reports
Identity Theft Prevention Act Introduced Fraud Alert Options
State Credit Freeze Laws Stop ID Thieves
Do Not Call Lists Are Good First Step to Deter ID Theft
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act Makes Identity Theft a Federal Crime
ID Theft: Classification and Punishment Varies from State to State
Identity Theft and the Federal Government
Identity Security and State Law
Security Freezes to Protect Your Credit Rating
Identity Theft Protection
Checking Your Credit Report Isn't Enough to Protect Your Identity
Identity Theft Protection and Your Computer
Identity Theft Insurance
What You Should Expect from Identity Theft Protection Services
ID Theft: Don't Pay for Protection You Already Have
Benefits of Monitoring Your Credit Report
Avoid Becoming an ID Theft Victim by Trusting Your Instincts
Proactive Steps Deter Potential for Identity Theft
Identity Theft: Protecting Kids from Being the Target
Beware of Insurance Offers for Credit Card Loss Protection
Five Self Defense Tactics Against Identity Theft
A Security Freeze Offers Greater Protection to Victims of Identity Theft
Added Precautions Can Protect You Against Identity Theft
Identity Theft Statistics
Study Shows Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud Among Top Crime Concerns by Americans
Identity Theft Dominates FTC Complaint List
Business Losses from ID Theft Equate to Millions
Reporting the Damage from ID Theft Averages 40 Hours Per Victim
Phishing Scams are a Growing Business
Residual Effects of Identity Theft Can Last Years
Delayed Discovery of ID Theft Results in Greater Consequences for Victims
There are 19 New Victims of Identity Theft Every Minute of Every Day
More than 7 Million Households Affected by ID Theft Every Year
Facts About Identity Theft
Introduction to Identity Theft
The Definition of Identity Theft
The Nature and History of Identity Theft
Why It's Impossible to Prevent Identity Theft
Breeder Documents are “Gold Mine” to Identity Thieves
How Identity Theft Occurs in the “Real World”
Identity Thieves Use Pretexting to Capture Your Information
How Identity Thieves Use Your Personal Information
How Identity Theft Occurs in the Virtual World
New-Accounts Fraud is Most Damaging Identity Theft Crime
Identity Fraud Versus Identity Theft
Identity Theft is One of Today's Fastest Growing Financial Crimes
Online Identity Theft
Your Computer and Identity Theft: How Safe Are You?
Develop Internet Street Smarts to Guard Against Online Identity Theft
Explain Risks and Consequences of Online Identity Theft to Children with Access to the Internet
Downloading Information and Software Can Increase Your Risks
Online Black Markets are a Booming Business for Identity Theft
Protection From Phishing Scams
Be Aware of Where You're Leaving Your Digital Footprint
Phishing or Pharming?
Double-Check URLs to Safeguard from Online ID Theft
Computer Identity Theft and Phishing
Data Breach and the Internet
Ways Criminals Conduct Identity Theft
Spyware and Online Identity Theft
Pharming and the Pay Pal Scam
Preventing Identity Theft
How to Prevent Identity Theft: Credit and Debit Cards
How to Prevent Identity Theft: Your Social Security Number
How to Prevent Identity Theft: Your Mail
Prevent ID Theft by Following the SCAM Formula
Five Tips to Prevent Identity Theft in Schools
Individual States Step Up to Help Prevent Identity Theft
ID Theft Prevention: Active Duty Alerts Available for Military Personnel
Four Things Businesses Can Do to Prevent Identity Theft
Review Your Credit Report for Telltale Signs of Identity Theft
Five Precautions to Prevent Identity Theft
Equip Your Computer to Help Prevent Identity Theft
Eight Preventive Steps To Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Punishment for Identity Theft
Severe Penalty Imposed for Passport and Visa Fraud
Identity Thieves Can Be Charged with Multiple Crimes
State Laws for ID Theft Define Their Own Penalties
ID Theft in Cyberspace is Difficult to Prosecute
Victims Who Don't Prosecute Perpetuate ID Theft Crimes
Rise in Identity Theft Prompts Stiffer Penalties
Prosecution of Identity Theft Crimes Can be Difficult
Identity Theft Carries Mandatory Two to Five Years Imprisonment
Identity Theft and the Law
Identity Theft and the Law, Part II
When Your Case Goes to Court
Federal Identity Theft Task Force Reviews Prosecution Standards
Recovering From Identity Theft
How to Correct Fraudulent Information in Credit Reports
Some Banks and Monitoring Services Staff Recovery Assistants
Identity Theft: When It's Time to Call a Lawyer
How Will Identity Theft Affect Me?
Identity Theft and the Recovery Process
Four Resources to Help You Recover from Identity Theft
Recovery Time From Identity Theft Depends on the Type of Crime Committed
How to Prove You're a Victim of ID Theft
How To Recover from Criminal Fraud Violations
Record Keeping is Essential to ID Theft Recovery
FTC Identity Theft Affidavit Makes Recovery Easier
Reporting Identity Theft
Send a Dispute Letter for Reporting Credit Card Fraud
Report Online Identity Theft to the FBI through the Internet Crime Complaint Center
How To Report ID Theft to Stop Calls from Debt Collectors
Information You Need to Provide on an Identity Theft Report
Four Steps for Reporting Credit Card Fraud
Six Contacts for Reporting Identity Theft
Reporting Identity Theft, Part I
Reporting Identity Theft, Part II
Reporting Identity Theft and Debt Collectors
Automated ID Theft Reports Are Less Effective than Face-to-Face
Effective ID Theft Reporting Starts with Organization
What to Include in a Blocking Letter
Types of Identity Theft
Types of Identity Theft
Protect Yourself from Identity Theft Inside Your Own Home
Credit Card Fraud is the Most Common Type of Identity Theft
How to Avoid Online Phishing Scams
Criminal Fraud ID Theft Forces Victims to Prove Innocence
Beware of “IRA Approved” Investment Offers
Mail Theft is a Common Tactic Used by Identity Thieves
Credit Card “Bustouts” May Be Sign of Bankruptcy Fraud
Passport Fraud Threatens International Safety
Student Loan Fraud Attracts Thieves Because of Deferred Payment Terms
Pay Attention to Phone Bills to Detect and Stop Phone Fraud
Most Damaging ID Theft is From a Stolen Social Security Number
Identity Theft Newsletter Archive
ID Theft Prevention: Active Duty Alerts Available for Military Personnel
Individual States Step Up to Help Prevent Identity Theft
Five Tips to Prevent Identity Theft in Schools
Prevent ID Theft by Following the SCAM Formula
Victims Who Don’t Prosecute Perpetuate ID Theft Crimes
ID Theft in Cyberspace is Difficult to Prosecute
State Laws for ID Theft Define Their Own Penalties
Identity Thieves Can Be Charged with Multiple Crimes
Severe Penalty Imposed for Passport and Visa Fraud
Review Your Credit Report for Telltale Signs of ID Theft
Four Things Businesses Can Do to Prevent Identity Theft
Identity Theft: Protecting Kids from Being the Target
Proactive Steps Deter Potential for Identity Theft
Avoid Becoming an ID Theft Victim by Trusting Your Instincts
Benefits of Monitoring Your Credit Report
ID Theft: Don’t Pay for Protection You Already Have
Identity Theft: When It’s Time to Call a Lawyer
Some Banks and Monitoring Services Staff Recovery Assistants
How to Correct Fraudulent Information in Credit Reports
What to Include in a Blocking Letter
Effective ID Theft Reporting Starts with Organization
Automated ID Theft Reports Are Less Effective than Face-to-Face
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act Makes Identity Theft a Federal Crime
FTC Identity Theft Affidavit Makes Recovery Easier
Record Keeping is Essential to ID Theft Recovery
Identity Security and State Law
Security Freezes to Protect Your Credit Rating
Spyware and Online Identity Theft
Reporting Identity Theft and Debt Collectors
How To Recover from Criminal Fraud Violations
How to Prove You’re a Victim of ID Theft
How To Report ID Theft to Stop Calls from Debt Collectors
Report Online Identity Theft to the FBI through the Internet Crime Complaint Center
Do Not Call Lists Are Good First Step to Deter ID Theft
State Credit Freeze Laws Stop ID Thieves
Author Introduction
Federal Identity Theft Task Force Reviews Prosecution Standards
Identity Theft Prevention Act Introduced Fraud Alert Options
FACTA Law Guarantees Free Annual Credit Reports
Deceased Individuals Are Target for Identity Theft and Fraud
Double-Check URLs to Safeguard from Online ID Theft
Phishing or Pharming?
Be Aware of Where You’re Leaving Your Digital Footprint
Protection From Phishing Scams
Why It’s Impossible to Prevent Identity Theft
How Identity Theft Occurs in the Virtual World
How Identity Thieves Use Your Personal Information
Identity Thieves Use Pretexting to Capture Your Information
How Identity Theft Occurs in the “Real World”
Breeder Documents are “Gold Mine” to Identity Thieves
Delayed Discovery of ID Theft Results in Greater Consequences for Victims
Residual Effects of Identity Theft Can Last Years
Phishing Scams are a Growing Business
Reporting the Damage from ID Theft Averages 40 Hours Per Victim
Business Losses from ID Theft Equate to Millions
More than 7 Million Households Affected by ID Theft Every Year
There are 19 New Victims of Identity Theft Every Minute of Every Day
Identity Theft Assistance Available Through Monitoring Services
ID Theft Affidavit Simplifies Reporting Process for Victims
Notify Chex Systems, Inc. of Potential Fraud on a Closed Checking Account
What To Do When Banks Don’t Cooperate in Resolving ID Theft Issues
Ask for Blocking Assistance to Deter Credit Report Errors from ID Theft
Most Damaging ID Theft is From a Stolen Social Security Number
Pay Attention to Phone Bills to Detect and Stop Phone Fraud
Student Loan Fraud Attracts Thieves Because of Deferred Payment Terms
Passport Fraud Threatens International Safety
Credit Card “Bustouts” May Be Sign of Bankruptcy Fraud
Mail Theft is a Common Tactic Used by Identity Thieves
Beware of “IRA Approved” Investment Offers
Criminal Fraud ID Theft Forces Victims to Prove Innocence
How to Avoid Online Phishing Scams
Six Contacts for Reporting Identity Theft
Recovery Time From Identity Theft Depends on the Type of Crime Committed
Equip Your Computer to Help Prevent Identity Theft
Identity Theft Carries Mandatory Two to Five Years Imprisonment
Prosecution of Identity Theft Crimes Can be Difficult
Rise in Identity Theft Prompts Stiffer Penalties
Online Black Markets are a Booming Business for Identity Theft
Downloading Information and Software Can Increase Your Risks
Explain Risks and Consequences of Online Identity Theft to Children with Access to the Internet
Identity Theft Assistance Center Helps Member Customers Restore Accounts
ID Theft: Classification and Punishment Varies from State to State
Send a Dispute Letter for Reporting Credit Card Fraud
Information You Need to Provide on an Identity Theft Report
What To Do if Debt Collectors Demand Payment of Fraudulent Charges
Four Resources to Help You Recover from Identity Theft
Credit Card Fraud is the Most Common Type of Identity Theft
Develop Internet Street Smarts to Guard Against Online Identity Theft
Your Computer and Identity Theft: How Safe Are You?
Identity Theft is One of Today’s Fastest Growing Financial Crimes
Eight Preventive Steps To Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Identity Fraud Versus Identity Theft
Four Steps for Reporting Credit Card Fraud
New-Accounts Fraud is Most Damaging Identity Theft Crime
Identity Theft Dominates FTC Complaint List
Study Shows Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud Among Top Crime Concerns by Americans
Added Precautions Can Protect You Against Identity Theft
A Security Freeze Offers Greater Protection to Victims of Identity Theft
Five Self-defense Tactics Against Identity Theft
Beware of Insurance Offers for Credit Card Loss Protection
Quick Action Reduces Damages for Victims of Identity Theft
Limit Your Liability from Credit Card Fraud To Just $50.00 Per Card
“Need to Know” Resources for Victims of Identity Theft
Five Precautions to Prevent Identity Theft
Avoid Escalating Loss Liability on Electronic Funds Fraud by Understanding Time Limits
Identity Theft Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay for all the fraudulent charges made on my credit card?
Where can identity theft victims get information about what to do?
I think I am a victim of identity theft – what do I do first?
What is my liability for the unauthorized use of my stolen ATM card?
Do I need credit card loss protection insurance?
What can I do to protect myself from identity theft?
Will a fraud alert on my credit reports protect me from future identity theft damages?
How can I protect myself from identity theft?
Am I overreacting to be worried about identity theft?
How prevalent are identity theft crimes?
What is the most damaging kind of identity theft?
What is the difference between identity theft and identity fraud?
What is identity theft?
How safe am I from online identity theft?
How can I guard against online identity theft?
Should I explain what online identity theft is to my children?
Am I at risk of identity theft from free downloads from the Internet?
How dangerous is online identity theft?
What penalties are there for identity thieves?
Why are so few identity theft crimes prosecuted?
Are there mandatory sentences for identity theft criminals?
How can I prevent identity theft?
How can I prevent online identity theft?
How can I avoid becoming a victim of identity theft?
I’ve been a victim of identity theft – how do I get my life back?
How long will it take me to recover from identity fraud?
What’s included in an identity fraud report?
How do I report credit card fraud?
I’m a victim of identity theft – how do I report it?
What is the most common type of identity theft?
What is “Phishing”?
What is criminal fraud?
What is investment fraud?
What is Mail Theft?
What is a “credit card bustout” for bankruptcy fraud?
What is passport fraud?
Is there such a thing as student loan fraud?
What exactly is phone fraud?
What is Social Security Identity Theft?
Are there organizations specifically set up to help victims of identity theft?
Can fraudulent charges be blocked from appearing on my credit report?
What can I do if my bank won’t cooperate to resolve problems from identity theft?
What do I do if my checks have been stolen?
What is an ID Theft Affidavit?
Are there services that will assist me in reporting identity theft?
How many people are victims of identity theft each year?
How widespread is identity theft?
How are businesses affected by identity theft?
How much time does a victim spend to report credit issues after ID theft?
How many instances of phishing are there each year?
How long does it take for my credit to be cleared after identity theft?
How long does it take before someone realizes he/she is a victim of ID theft?
What are ‘breeder’ documents?
How does identity theft occur?
What is pretexting?
How do identity thieves use my information?
How does online identity theft occur?
Can identity theft be prevented?
Can anything be done to thwart online phishing scams?
How do online identity thieves get information?
What is pharming?
How will I know if I’m at a legitimate web site?
What can I do if debt collectors demand payment for fraudulent charges?
Are deceased individuals subject to identity theft crimes?
What is FACTA?
What is the Identity Theft Prevention Act?
What is the cost of putting a security freeze on my credit reports?
How do I stop phone and mail solicitations that put me at risk of identity theft?
What is the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act?
Are state laws and penalties for identity theft different from the federal laws?
How effective are using automated reports to document identity theft?
How do I organize my information to report identity theft?
What information do I need to include in a blocking letter?
What information do I include in a dispute letter to notify creditors of fraudulent charges?
Who investigates online identity theft?
How do I get debt collectors to stop calling on fraudulent accounts?
How do I prove I am an identity theft victim?
How do I clear a criminal record that resulted from ID theft?
What records do I have to keep while restoring my credit from identity theft?
Why should I use the FTC’s Identity Theft Affidavit?
How can I correct fraudulent information on my credit report?
Where can I get an advocate to help me recover from identity theft?
When should I involve a lawyer to help recover from ID theft?
Should I invest in identity theft insurance and monitoring services?
How does a credit report help protect me from identity theft?
What are some of the things I can personally do to protect from identity theft?
How can I be proactive to guard against identity theft?
How can I protect my kids from being targeted by identity thieves?
Is there an easy way to remember the basics for preventing identity theft?
How can identity theft be prevented in schools?
Are state legislators doing anything to help prevent identity theft?
How can active duty military personnel prevent identity theft while deployed?
What can businesses do to prevent identity theft?
What am I supposed to be looking at on my credit report that indicates identity theft?
What is the punishment for passport fraud?
Can an identity thief be charged with more than one crime?
How do state identity theft laws affect penalties?
Why is online ID theft difficult to prosecute?
Is ID theft perpetuated by victims who don’t prosecute?
Are there any plans for stronger prosecution standards for identity theft?
What is my State doing about identity theft?
How can I protect my credit if my identity is compromised?
What is spyware and what does it have to do with online identity theft?
What should I do if I've been the victim of identity theft and a debt collector calls?
Can your identity be stolen from people entering your home?
How do I know my personal identity has been stolen?

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Candi Wingate